A change of focus?

Today found me looking around at different themes to use for 360aday.com and I still have yet to find one that I’m sold on. I’ve actually been developing custom themes for a number of different sites that I’ve been working on and am enjoying using WordPress as a CMS. So I figured today that I’ll also begin reviewing different plugins that I use across different sites. I know that it won’t be an amazing review site, however I’m doing this for me. It’s a place to sit with a list of popular WordPress plugins that I use and have tried. That way I’ll know to either keep using them or avoid them and hopefully I won’t need to search as much for various different WordPress plugins as well. I guess the first step to get this done is to actually upgrade this from WordPress 2.6.1 to WordPress 2.7! It should be interesting to see if/what I lose in the migration. I don’t bother to back things up like I should…only for blogs that matter!

Wish me luck!

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